About Me - Junkai Tan

I’m a second-year graduate student from School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. My research interest include robotics control, intelligent control, learning-based control, and unmanned system control.

I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Hui Cao and Prof. Shuangsi Xue of BIR Lab, Xi’an Jiaotong University. I am also a student of the Industrial Automation Lab.

🔬 Research Interests | 研究方向

  • 🤖 Human-Machine Hybrid Enhanced Control (人机混合增强控制)
  • 🚁 Unmanned Systems Tracking Control (无人系统追踪控制)
  • 📊 Data-Driven Optimal Control (数据驱动的最优控制)

💻 Core Competencies | 核心能力

  • Theoretical Research: Solid foundation in advanced control and reinforcement learning theory. Leading research on human-machine hybrid control with publications in top journals including IEEE TASE, Information Sciences, and Nonlinear Dynamics.
  • Engineering Practice: Extensive experience with unmanned systems development, including UAV-UGV collaborative control projects and multi-unmanned system hardware platforms based on optical motion capture systems.

📝 Selected Publications | 学术成果

  1. Prescribed performance robust approximate optimal tracking control via Stackelberg game”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2025.
  2. Finite-time safe reinforcement learning control of multi-player nonzero-sum game for quadcopter systems”, Information Sciences, 2025.
  3. Unmanned aerial-ground vehicle finite-time docking control via pursuit-evasion games”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2025.
  4. Data-driven optimal shared control of unmanned aerial vehicles”, Neurocomputing, 2025.

Detailed publications and open-source code can be found in my Publications page.

You can find my CV here: web \ pdf.

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